Senior Living Resources

Memory Care Home Solutions
The Caregiver Club is a 501(c)3 working to improve the lives of individuals living with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia by supporting their caregivers. Through donations and the sale of our caregiver cards and products, we support our Caregiver Respite Initiative and caregiver/companion outings. Find out more at www.thecaregiverclub.org.
St. Louis Chapter of Alzheimer’s Association: The Alzheimer’s Association, St. Louis Chapter serves more than 66,000 families in the St. Louis metropolitan area, eastern Missouri and western Illinois.
The Veterans Administration St. Louis Regional Office helps veterans, dependents and survivors with VA benefits.
The State of Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Website
The St. Louis Area Agency on Aging (SLAAA) provides a comprehensible and coordinated system of community-based services for older adults in the City of St. Louis
Missouri HealthNet Division – The Department of Social Services is officially designated as the single state agency charged with administration of the Missouri Medicaid program.
National Council on Aging’s Free Benefits Checkup is a free service for adults over 55 who need help paying for prescription drugs, health care, utilities and other basic needs. There are more than 2,000 benefit programs available to seniors.
Memory and Aging