Your Story
Finding the best Senior Living Community for you begins with Your Story
While we have experience working with hundreds of St. Louis families, we want to understand the needs and concerns for your family. This knowledge helps us bring the best solution and options of senior living communities in St. Louis along with senior living resources offered in St. Louis.
It is important for us to understand your story, and how your family got to where they are today. We will listen to your perspective of what led us here, listening without judgement, but to gain a clear understanding. Sometimes it was something completely out of the blue and unforeseeable that took everyone by surprise. Other times it was a known issue, and the family is just struggling to believe that it has reached the point where additional support and help are needed.
When you share with us, we are able to select a senior community that will have a strong social connection along with the care and oversight that your loved one needs.
We do understand that many families, perhaps yours, has a family dynamic that makes this situation especially challenging. Here is a little secret, there are very few if any regular families. Our family dynamics, good or bad have helped define each of us. Transitions for Senior Living can often help, because we are outside of the family, and we provide a neutral perspective. And we are FREE! We can help by advocating for the senior, and bringing experience, knowledge and a little gentle structure. Once we understand the physical & cognitive health, and the social side of your loved one, we can help the family put a plan together. So, if and when you are ready to take action, you are not operating in crisis-mode.
Examine Available Resources
We don’t yet know your situation, but we can help you examine areas of resources, and perhaps put you in contact with folks that are experts in that area.
- Does the family have long-term care insurance, and if so, do you need some help to more clearly understanding the terms?
- Are their assets in a trust, or should they be placed in a trust?
- Are you eligible for a Veteran’s benefit that pays over $26K per year?
- Is there a need to preserve some of the assets for a healthier spouse, and how can that be accomplished and still provide quality of life?
We can help the family understand how the financial side of senior living works, by taking the mystery out and help plan for success.
Getting to know the senior, and what is important to them is critical for us to narrow down the choices to the best 3-5 communities, to tour with you.